We hold events throughout the year at both our locations:
Lajos Matolcsy Arts Center
480 Main Street, Norway, Maine

Matolcsy Arts Center exhibits will be open Fridays and Saturdays from 12-3PM and as often as we can manage.
Watch for the OPEN banner out front!
All shows will have an opening reception on Friday from 5 to 7:00 pm, except as noted.
April 5 - April 27
All Flora Fungi – curated by Laurie Walker
May 3 - May 25
New Work by Don Best and Judy Schneider
June 7 - June 29
Heads and Figures – Pictures of people – featuring works from our drawing group
July 5 - July 27
Western Maine Art Group Show, open to all member artists
July 6
Members' Outdoor Art Show on the MAC lawn. WMAG’s revival of its Sidewalk Art Sale
July 13
Members free-form Art-on the Lawn event on the day of the Norway Arts and Music Festival
August 3 - August 31
The Art of the Collector – Restorations. Curated by Rich Sousa and Sandra J. Bell
Please note: this exhibit opens with a presentation on Saturday, not Friday, from one until four o’clock.
September 6 - September 28
Keeping it Simple - Current Members' work
October 4 - October 26
Texture and Color: Fiber Arts -curated by Kathy Beauregard and Sandra Pealer
November 1 - November 30
Abstractions – Peter Herley, Jud Pealer, and Mitch Benedict
December 6
Small Works – our annual exhibit of smaller artwork
December 14, 3PM
Western Maine Art Group’s annual Christmas party
Main Street Gallery
426 Main Street, Norway

The Main Street Gallery – Featured Artist of the Month
There will be a First Friday reception each month
May - Kathy Beauregard
June - Barbara Traficonte and Janet Healey
July - Kharris Brill
August - Jo Thomas
September - Mitch Benedict
October - Shelly Shibles